The first I heard of this was watching Gayelle Television on Monday morning when Lisa Agard -legal something or the other- announced it boldly and proudly, as if...
Now, Lisa Agard is a fine looking woman on most days and she really pulled out all the stops on Monday. Unfortunately she stopped short of looking good.
Really unfortunate that a woman who would surely turn your head in a jeans and a tank-top, would make you turn away in attire ten times the cost.

Agard bespoiled herself in a jacket that seemed more appropriate for the cover of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts band, and a hairstyle inspired by Farrah Fawcett's in Charlie's Angels. 'Twas really unfortunate, because, and it's worth repeating, Agard is an attractive woman.
Lisa, darling, keep it simple please. A conservative business suit and a modest hairstyle would have served you infinitely better.
Mrs Agard (I assume she's married because well-to-do women often are) shared her Gayelle appearance with Marcia Henville (host) and a chap (Steven something I think) from Digicel.
I simply have to say this...when Marcia Henville makes you look cosquelle, you really have a problem. That's how awful Agard dressed.
Marcia looked really beautiful and her hair was appropriately understated, keep it up Marcia.
Anyway, before I become lost in Star Jones type commentary, let's return to something of substance.
The meeting between the Digicel gaffer and the TSTT legal spokeswoman promised much -in theory- but offered nothing in substance. It was all petty as Agard sought to make the few points she could (Digicel too, offer medium-term contracts) and deflect the criticisms she can (Digicel had not responded to their offer of tower-sharing).
Steven, or is it Stephen, came off as arrogant and persnickety; often mentioning he receives phone calls from the line Minister, Saith; yet bitching over his non-receipt of written documentation from TSTT on tower-sharing.
Could you not have called Steven...Stephen!
So fucking petty. You really wonder how clueless, self-absorbed twats as Agard and this Digicel clown scale the corporate ladder and shit down on us.
Which reminds me; I remitted an email to Digicel asking of them to provide me the models of mobile phones they intend to offer to the Trinidad public and thus far, I have received not word.
Not good!
I was mildly surprised 'til I saw Marcia ask Stephen a simple question with regard to their contract offers and deals, and he declined to answer. It appears Digicel's corporate policy is to say nothing unless and until they absolutely have to.
The CEO, or whatever Steven is, said it would be a self-inflicted wound to disseminate such information.
No, let me spell it out.
What the fuck?
No Stephen, that fuckry does not wash, there were many means and methods you could have employed to facilitate Marcia on that question. And if you are so afraid of self-inflicted wounds you should heal yourself of those awful advertisements. As I have written in the past, Digicel should fire their advertising house.
Well, now we know with whom we deal, and the choices are:
TSTT - abusers of the public who seek to convince us they have changed for the better
Digicel - the most non-savvy corporate entity in Trinidad and Tobago
Laqtel - PNM corbeaux masquerading as a mobile communications alternative
Friends, countrymen, dire days are ahead!
Five minutes ago I signed up for NewsNow on the recommendation of a fellow blogger, hopefully it helps me to be as famous as Racquel Pacheco without the whole sleeping with men thing!