Weeks after the incident where Trinidadian teenager Danah Alleyne was throw around like a rag-doll whilst under the gyrating pop-star Akon, the condemnation of her continues to boil.
As a Trini I have no problem with Danah being told of her responsibility in the affair but it's gone overboard. And it has gone overboard at the same time blame attached to Akon is softened.
The genesis for this is the fact that she is a 15 yr old girl who not only looks older than her birth-age but acts that way as well. It is also true that had Zen nightclub done what they ought to she should not have been at the night-club at all.
But that in no way excuses or lessens the real culprit in the matter; Akon.
Akon should never have mistreated any concert-goer in the contemptuous way he did Danah Alleyne, and that's the crux of the matter.
He disrespected a woman, on stage, in our country and now he's paying for it.
Mind you, he is not the first artiste to have done so, and locals are serial offenders at this behaviour; but he did what he did and he is paying for his mistake.
Her being under-aged was the catalyst for the negative reaction but, that's the way things go at times.
At the end of the day this incident might warn all artistes that they are the act and we are paying to watch them perform not to perform ourselves; or to be abused.
That said, Danah continues to be savaged and it's really time for her to remove those provocative pictures from her MySpace account; because she is simply giving ammunition to those who want to attack her
Labels: Akon grinds on teenager, Dana Alleyne, Zen nightclub Danah
This young lady in my opinion should not have been at that club in the first place, her parents should be ashamed of her. In addition from the video I saw of this child, she is acting and dancing way beyond her age. Judging from the picture she looks mighty happy to me. If that was my child there would be hell to pay.