The organisers have definitely improved from last year when they had to give tickets away to not have an embarrassing crowd.
I had to near kill somebody to get a hotel room though but eventually I got sorted at the Hilton Hotel. Cost me a bucketful of money though because those Shylock's jacked up the price.
Until I get all my pictures sorted -and that usually takes me a while- here are a few for you to enjoy featuring Sting, Vanessa Williams, Gabrielle Union (I swear she lives here) and a pop-down looking Destra Garcia.
I swear I am so damn fedup of Destra Garcia and those gimmickry short shorts. Get rid of them please and change your image. But that said, her performance was tight as usual.
Best moment was the Kees and Patti La Belle duet.
Sting and Vanessa Williams

Gabrielle Union, Destra Garcia and AJ