So what's up then?
Earlier this week I was in St Augustine at the new HILO grocery and I saw Ato Boldon driving -what looked like a Toyota Camry- on that street between HILO and Mario's Pizzeria. He stopped for me to cross (that was nice of him) but I told him hang on a minute, "I want to take your picture."
Senator Boldon complied but the dang digital camera was taking an age to load and I had it on the wrong settings. Meanwhile the drivers of the few cars behind Senator Boldon were having an hissy fit because I kept them back a few seconds and started hitting their horns.
I tell you, Trinidadians have become very impatient. The end all was Boldon had to drive off because of those cacaholes and I only got a picture of his hands as he drove off. I wasted my blasted time.

Later that week I took a drive to Courts Furniture Store on South Quay, Port-of-Spain and as I was driving I saw the guy who portrays 'Roger' from the Gayelle Television series 'Snacks'.I cannot remember his name, but the actor was walking down the street casually and unbothered with his peeled oranges. Here is the picture I took...

As he passed by a beautiful girl walked behind him so I took her picture as well, much to her surprise...

At the week's end I visited the Club at Chaguaramas to have a look at the young sailors go through their paces on their Peakes sponsored mini-yachts.

Labels: Ato Boldon, Courts, Gayelle, Hi-Lo St Augustine